Author: Kristen Groseclose

The Paradox of “This too shall pass.”

Like everything else–it’s complicated. Life isn’t fair, yet my limited teenage experiences told me otherwise. Sheltered by my upper middle class upbringing, I would engage in some magical thinking, borne from the luck of...

The Movie Of Our Lives

What story will you tell? One day a while back, I was in my car getting my NPR “Fresh Air” fix. Terry Gross had been interviewing someone whose name I can’t even recall, but...

The Battle Between Control and Acceptance

It’s an ongoing tension. The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference. Mike and I love to problem...

Anatomy of a Medical Crisis

An Event in 4 Parts It always starts out as an average, boring day, doesn’t it? I was home alone with my nonverbal son Jack. I flopped on the couch downstairs, settling into a...

Confronting the future with sweaty palms

Handling transitions Recently I attended a special needs parenting conference to prepare for my son’s transition to adulthood. Although Jack is only 15, and legally entitled to 6 more years of schooling, I figured...

A Caregiver’s Challenge

Helping your child without losing yourself. Last week my favorite jeans didn’t fit. They were too tight. And no, despite my best attempt at self-deception, the dryer didn’t shrink them. A step on the...

Expectations versus Reality

It’s just math. Jack slept through his Tim Tebow Night to Shine special needs prom. Not at home in his comfy bed, but actually at the prom. The entire 3 hours. When Mike and...

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